Practice Charter

  • Patient confidentiality to be respected at all times.
  • All patients to be treated equally and with courtesy at all times, difficulties to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
  • Patients aged between 16 – 74 have the right to an appointment, regardless of whether or not they have been seen in the last 3 years.  A health check may be required.
  • Patients aged 75 and over have the right to an appointment, whether or not they have been seen in the last 12 months.  A health check may be required.
  • Patients are to be encouraged to take advantage of the services provided and to recognise the pressures and demands made on the practice.
  • Requests for repeat prescriptions are to be dealt with within 48 hours.
  • The encourage all of our staff to make comments, suggestions and to partake in decision making within the practice.
  • The practice will be open to suggestions from its patients on how to improve our services.

Mission Statement

It is the intention of the practice to provide our patients with the highest standard of health care possible, which is accessible and responsive to the health needs of the practice population. 

All patients will be treated equally, as individuals by a caring and well trained team.  The team will endeavour to remain updated through process of appraisal and individual professional development plans.